Friday, April 12, 2024

Oneness in Spirit, One in God


This article is an attempt to explain what is God, the force that created our Universe, and set the "Laws of Nature" that we call Science.

Scientific explanation: 

As per E=MC^2, all matter is energy, Vibrating at different speeds: plasma, gas, liquid & solid. Thus everything around us is Vibration, and even our body & every cell in it are part of this Vibration.

Vibrations of a molecule decide whether the molecule will emit light(photons), electricity(electrons), and what form it will take: solid, liquid, gas, or plasma. Any ripple(vibration) in a pool of water will always have a source, and the original Source (Creator) of these Vibrations is called God.

Theoretically, any matter that stops vibrating, should become 0° Kelvin (−273.15° C / −459.67°F), known as Bose–Einstein condensate, a practical impossiblity in the natural world.

Bible Reference: 

"In the beginning was the Word(Vibration/OM), and the Word was with God(Elohim/Angels/Deities), and the Word was God (Creator). The same(Vibration/OM) was in the beginning with God(Elohim). All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life(Holy Spirit/Paramatma); and the life was the light of men(Inner Spirit/Atma)." - John 1:1–3 Bible quotation, with Vedic interpretation in parenthesis. 

"And the spirits of the Elohim(Angels/Deities) were traversing with the presence of the Vibrations" -Genesis 1:2, re-Translated from Hebrew. 

Explanation of above scripture: 

In the beginning, there was nothing but a Word/Vibration. From this Vibration all matter manifested, and thus all matter is vibrating molecules. Thus, everything that exists in this universe, is part of the Word/Vibration/God. We are one, in God.

According to the Vedas, the word OM (Vibration of OM) manifested an intelligent entity called Brahman. Then, Brahman wielded the word OM to manifest the rest of this Universe, thus the "Word was with God" and the "Word was God". 

God is the Word/Vibration/Sound of OM(ॐ) or Alpha Omega Mu (AΩM in ancient Egypt/Greece)

God has many attributes, such as

1] All-Knowing(Akashic Record), 

2] Omni-Presence(our Souls are manifestations of God/"your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you"/"the kingdom of God is within you"), 

3] Infinite (This universe is like God's dream, & we Living Beings are like thoughts in that dream, that will ultimately merge into the dream), 

4] Immutable: God is formless, & has no gender or species, thus God does not change, 

5] Omni-potent: God is powerful enough to have created this Universe. 

NOTE: While traditional Christianity maintains that, 'the Father' is God the Holy Spirit, Trinity followers differentiate between 'the Father' and the 'Holy Spirit' as different. 

Christian Trinity in Vedic terms:

•Father(God the Creator of mankind): Brahma, Elohim

•Holy Spirit (God the Creator of the Universe):  ParamAtma/Brahman

•Son of God (Avatar of God): Enlightened being, Buddha, Iesus Christ, Krishna

God is formless; the idols we worship are teachers, messengers(Avatars), Angels, & the creator(s) of human species, and personal God(s). These Creator(s) & Teachers of mankind are refered to in scriptures, distinctly as another species, maybe even aliens, whom we call Deities. They have their own gender. Examples are Brahma(created Svayambhuva Manu), Shiva, Elohim/Eloah, Angels, 'Council of Gods', Annunaki, Enki, Nagas(eg. Rishi Patanjali), etc. 

In Sanskrit, "Sur" literally means tone or amplitude of a vibrating frequency, and refers to the creative potential of vibration, or creative vibration. "Asur" meaning the opposite of "Sur", refers to the destructive potential in vibration, or destructive vibration(eg. vibrations used by sonic weapons). Deities who use the creative potential of vibration, and personify Sur, we call Angels (Devas in Sanatan). Deities who use the destructive potential of vibration, and personify Asur, we call Demons/Devils/Fallen Angels (Rakshas / Daanavas in Sanatan).

Sufi philosophy in Islam: the Unity of Being 

"whichever way you turn, there is the face of God." -Quran 2:115

Explanation: There is only one Reality/Existence (God), and the Cosmos is God's self-manifestation. In terms of Essence/Form, everything you see in the Universe are reflections of God's attributes/qualities like in a mirror, including yourself. Thus you, the reflection of one attribute of God, is experiencing reflections of other attributes of God, everywhere.

God wants to know itself, through another part of itself.

We are Individuation of the Absolute reality, that is "when Reality has taken form through Individuation". 

- Mahmud Shabistari (The Secret Rose Garden)

"Do not attach yourself to any particular creed exclusively, so that you disbelieve all the rest; otherwise you will lose much good, nay, you will fail to recognize the real truth of the matter. Let your soul be capable of embracing all forms of belief. God, the omnipresent and omnipotent, is not limited by any one creed." - Ibin 'Arabi (Fusus al-hikam)

Explanation: Do not attach yourself to any Political / Racial / Religious / Gender propaganda so much that, everything else looks like fake news. Otherwise you will loose much of the goodwill in you, and even fail to recognize the real truth of the matter. God's manifestation is not limited by race, religion, or gender. God is everywhere, in everything.

"Do you not see that God has made the poll tax and peaceful co-existance our obligation regarding the enemies of our religion, saying 'And if they incline to peace, do thou decline to it; and (still) put thy trust in God ?' " Ibin 'Arabi (Fusus al-hikam)

To attack peacefull rivals, is to move away from faith in God.

"Know yourself and you shall know your lord."

Advaita Vedanta philosophy, Sanatan Dharma (Oneness in Hinduism):

Quoting my Attribution/Dedication of this blog:

"Salutations to that reality in which all the elements, and all the animate and inanimate beings shine as if they have an independent existence, and in which they exist for a time and into which they merge.

Salutations to that consciousness which is the source of the apparently distinct threefold divisions of knower, knowledge and known, seer, sight and seen, doer, doing and deed.

Salutations to that bliss absolute (the ocean of bliss) which is the life of all beings whose happiness and unfoldment is derived from the shower of spray from that ocean of bliss."

-Vasistha’s Yoga / Yoga Vasistha (as translated by Swami Venkatesananda), video: Yoga Vasistha prayer

In reality, all things in existence, moving or not, seem to exist independently, but do merge back into God, after having lived its time. I salute that reality/God.

Conciousness is the source of what seems to be a division between Subject, Object, & Action done by the subject on/to the object. You, your reading of this blog, and the screen you are reading it on, all appear to be distinctly separate. I salute that Conciousness.

The Absolute is the life of all living things, that derive their happiness from the blessing of the Absolute. I salute that Absolute.

God has many names, in the multitude of religions & languages, but is infact one. God is in every Living Bieng, every plant, fish, reptile, mammal, & bird, is also one & the same God. 

When you realize that God forms the basis of this universe, there is not much difference between worshipping a statue of wood/clay/metal, a fire like candle/bonfire/sun, or a body of water (lake/ocean), because everything is made of God. Thus, we are one in God.

ओम् तत् सत् 

Literal translation: OM, that (Ultimate) Truth

Definition: The Word/Sound/Vibration of OM is the Ultimate Truth/Ultimate Reality. 

Inference: The Vibration OM alone Exists.


Mortals come from the Earth, Earth is born from Heaven, Heaven Originates from the Dao, Dao is the source.

ॐ OM Swastiastu 卐

ShalOm (שָׁלוֹם) / SalAm (ٱلسَّلَامُ)
Be at Peace, be One in God

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Bible revelations predicting the future ?

It would seem that much of what happened in the past decade can be mapped to the Christian Bible's Revelations: chapter 8 and 9, while chapter 13 holds some predictions. Here are the quotes from KJV Bible, and my interpretation of them.

The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.

Trees burnt for bio fuel

Green grass replaced with plastic decoration ? (Artificial grass lawns)

And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood; And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.

Fertiliser, pesticide, and herbicide(especially Glyphosate/roundup) runoffs creating dead zones in the sea

Somalian pirates capturing ships ?

And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.

Fracking contaminating ground water with gas

And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise.

Pollution blocking the sun ?

And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power. And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads. And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man.

Locust swarm of 2020

And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.

Those who try to commit Suicide will be sent to hospital for recuperation, and possibly restrained in a mental hospital to prevent further attempts of suicide.

And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates. And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men. And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them. And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth and brimstone, and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone. By these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths. 

200,000 Russian troops fights Ukraine nationalists and foreign nationals, while sanctions slay a third of humans on Earth. Breastplates of fire, and of jacinth and brimstone describes the red Soviet flag, and the blue and yellow Ukrainian flag.

[FUTURE PREDICTION] USA may escalate Ukraine proxy war against Russia and/or start Taiwan proxy war against China, which would trigger China to mobilize its 200 million troops.

And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils

The puppet masters Rothschild, Rockefeller, Soros, Kissinger, and their followers continue to propagate their worship of Baphomet (Devil)

And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

[FUTURE PREDICTION] Artificial Intelligence (eg. Microsoft Cortana, Amazon Alexa, Google home, BlackRock Aladdin, etc.) evaluates our worth as human slaves of 'the great reset' / New World Order. 

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

[FUTURE PREDICTION] Every individual's Digital Identity will be recorded in a RFID chip, which can then be injected inside the body. As declared at Davos, all paper money will be made obsolete, and any trade will require digital money, transacted and tracked through the RFID chip.

Daniel 11:40-45 : more predictions from the Bible

First, the North = Global North = countries following US Leadership = countries of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) + Five Eyes

Thus, King of the North = USA / UK / Rothschild 

Tools used by the North: IMF / World Bank debt trap; Smithsonian history revision; WEF agenda 2030, now integrated into UN agenda 2030.

Second, King of the South = Russia, the only country that is respected by the rest of the World. That is, the only country that UNASUR (Latin America), African Union (Africa) & SCO + ASEAN (Asia) would want to ally with, is Russia, and in more general terms, be "Friends of BRICS".

Thus, the South = Global South = Countries that revere Russia and/or allied with Russia = countries of UNASUR (Latin America), African Union (Africa) & SCO + ASEAN (Asia) 

And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over. 

USSR developed many technologies, including the first satelite in orbit, which pushed the West to do something, and USA reciprocated by overthrowing USSR-allied countries around USSR, such as Afghanistan, Vietnam, & Korea. USSR surrendered, and was run over by capitalists grabbing what they can, that is, privatization of national Industries of the Communist Republic.

He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon.

UK conquered the 'glorious land' of Palestine in 1918, prosecuted Palestinian civilians, and brought in Jews to this British colony nicknamed "Mandatory Palestine", as announced in Balfour Declaration, possibly headed by Lionel Walter Rothschild. 

Rothchild, through the Zionist Federation of Germany had an agreement known as "Haavara Agreement" with Nazi Germany to allow fleeing Zionist Jews to transfer a portion of their wealth to this Mandatory Palestine, later named as Israel. 

NATO led by USA, has changed the governments of many countries, through wars & rebellions, to be alligned with the WEF agenda, and establish Rothschild influenced Central Banks.

All the overthrown countries are now adopting a more Nationalist agenda, and trying to escape from the clutches of the Rothschild & WEF.

He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape. But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps.

The value of Gold and Silver in paper money is decided in London, at a yearly conference held by Rothschild & Sons Ltd. 

US Smithsonian financed archeological treasure hunts in Egypt, and changed the narrative of Egyptian history to a false one.

Gaddaffi built Libya into the wealthiest nation in Africa. USA assasinated Gaddaffi & bombed Libya back to the stone age. NATO has been financing rebel faction in Ethopia to create a civil war there. So, Libya & Ethopia beg IMF/World Bank for money.

But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him: therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many. 

The Global North will not be united under the King of the North, and some will ally with the East (China). 

[FUTURE PREDICTION] USA may escalate Ukraine proxy war against Russia and/or start another war against China through Taiwan as the proxy.

And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him.

At CoP27, the Global North proclaimed through Pope Francis, the "Green Commandments" on holy Mountain Sainai, to imitate Yahweh's "Ten Commandments" proclaimed through Moses. 

[FUTURE PREDICTION] The Global North shall fall, meaning NATO, Five Eyes, & G7 will disolve along with its institutions like WEF, Smithsonian, Bilderberg group; and nothing can help save western Hegemony.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Russia Ukraine War

 NeoCons & NeoLiberals: a Century of War & atrocities


Warmongering forces within USA and London have always promoted war and occupation.


US President Dwight D. Eisenhower tried to warn us against Neo-Conservative warmongers trying to build a military Industrial complex: state promoted private military companies... Lockheed Martin, Boeing, etc

US President John F. Kennedy tried to warn us against NeoLiberal warmongers trying to build a espionage industrial complex: state promoted activities focusing on surveillance, misinformation, and censorship. This espionage industrial complex was later exposed by David Spring M., and Edward Snowden. This includes NSA/CIA/GCHQ programs like PRISM (partners: Microsoft, Facebook, Google, Apple, etc.), Tempora (partners: Verizon, Vodafone, etc.), Fisa court. 

Quoting John Stockwell, "The CIA has overthrown functioning democracies in over 20 countries." Failed US regime change operations include Hong Kong, Venezuela, and Belarus. 

Examples of atrocities by US:

  • Japan nuclear bombing: US dropped Nuclear bombs in Hiroshima & Nagasaki, even when Japan was willing to give up. 
  • Vietnam agent orange bombing: US dropped Agent Orange in Vietnam forests, forever disabling Vietnamese civilians and their future children.
  • Iraq prisoner rape & torture: US set up a war prison camp in Iraq, where inmates(including Iraqi civilians) were raped and tortured.
  • Wuhan Covid-19 development: US organization "EcoHealth Alliance" researched and developed Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2) virus in conjunction with Wuhan biolab. Hunter Biden's "Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners" financed Metabiota, which partnered with EcoHealth Alliance, and collaborated on R&D relating to bat infectious diseases in Wuhan Institute of Virology, China.

Ukraine conflict: since 2008

Nazis in Soviet Ukraine went dormant after Hitler's death, only to rise with Joe Biden's support under US president Obama. 

In February 2014, Nazi Maidan-coup in Ukraine overthrew the pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych, and replaced him with pro-US Volodymyr Zelenskyy, a Nazi supporter, and actor in the Ukrainian TV series "servant of the people". Ihor Kolomoysky funded the TV series. and Zelenskyy's campaign. He also funds Aidar, Azov, Dnepro-1 and Dnepro-2 battalions. He was also part of the new Nazi regime that the Obama administration installed in Ukraine. Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden was appointed as the director of an Ukrainian natural gas company, Burisma, and his direct superior was Ihor Kolomoysky.

On 23 February 2014, shortly after the Obama administration’s Maidan-coup,  Russian president Vladimir Putin announced, "we must start working on returning Crimea to Russia", and started amassing troops at Crimea border.

The more Liberal civilians did not want to live in Nazi oppression under US puppet Zelenskyy.

In March 16, 2014, Crimea region held a referendum on seceding from Ukraine. Choices were: 

> restoration of the 1992 Constitution of the Republic of Crimea and stay in Ukraine

> reunification of Crimea with Russia

“Reports of the harassment and intimidation of activists and journalists by the de facto military forces(Ukraine nationalists) operating in Crimea are an extremely worrying development where human rights abuses are already rife,” according to John Dalhuisen, International’s Europe and Central Asia Director. 

96.77% of the Crimean residents voted to join Russia. All Crimean residents were allowed to vote, regardless of whether they held Ukranian nationality. That is, even foreigners who resided in Crimea were allowed to vote, while Ukrainians who did not reside in Crimea were not even allowed to enter the poll booth.

On  18 March 2014, Russia took over Crimea.

Soon after, a preliminary poll was released by the Kyiv Institute of Sociology, with data gathered in Donetsk from 8–16 April, where only  10.6% supported the current  Nazi regime. While 41.1% of people in Donetsk were for decentralization of Ukraine with powers transferred to regions, 38.4% for changing Ukraine into federation, 27.5% were in favour of secession from Ukraine to join the Russian Federation.

In 11 May 2014, another two region held a referendum on seceding from Ukraine. The two referendums asked the question: "Do you support the declaration of state independence ?" and the Choices were Yes and No. Both Luhansk and Donetsk voted for separation from Ukraine, by 96% and 89%.

Luhansk and Donetsk together is known as the Donbas region.

Ukraine nationalists started oppressing the pro-Independence population, and Ukraine battalions started shelling(bombing) the Donbas region.

In July 2014, Amnesty international publicized allegations of abduction and torture perpetrated by separatist(pro-Independence) armed groups and pro-Kyiv forces(Ukraine nationalists). 

Soon, members of the Nazi Ukraine government including Oleg Lyashko,  leader of the Ukrainian Radical Party and Member of the Ukrainian Parliament, started abduction and torture of separatists and former ministers.

On 8 September 2014, Amnesty international noted, “The failure to stop abuses and possible war crimes by volunteer battalions risks significantly aggravating tensions in the east of the country and undermining the proclaimed intentions of the new Ukrainian authorities to strengthen and uphold the rule of law more broadly.”  

One of Ihor Kolomoysky's battalions, the Aidar battalion was disbanded after Amnesty International published a document "Abuses and war crimes by the Aidar Volunteer Battalion in the north Luhansk region". But it's member were immune from prosecution, and joined other battalions to oppress the pro-separatists.

Multiple ceasefire agreements known as "Minsk agreements" were signed by representatives of Ukraine,  Russia, and Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe(OSCE), on 5 September 2014, and 12 February 2015, but had little effect as Ukraine continued shelling(bombing) the Donbas region.

In 2019, Ukrainian constituencies in Donetsk Oblast and Luhansk Oblast were prohibited from voting for Ukraine presidential election, as those regions were considered "under occupation by separatists". An estimated 6.2 million Ukrainian citizens did not get to vote in the election.

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights published, "Report on the human rights situation in Ukraine, 16 November 2019 to 15 February 2020" which detailed over 40,000 casualties of the war between Ukraine nationalists and pro-Independence separatists, upto 2020: 

  •  over 13,000 people killed:  
    • atleast 3,350 civilians were killed
    • 5,650 armed separatists were killed
    • 4,100 Ukrainian nationalists  were killed
  • 30,000 injured:
    • upto 9,000 civilians were injured
    • 13,000 armed separatists were Injured
    • 10,000 Ukranian nationalists were injured

Oppression of Luhansk and Donetsk continued, as Ukraine intensified shelling of Donbass in 2021, in what Russia claimed to be a "systematic extermination of the Donbas population", the main reason for the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

Biden & US DOD funded biolabs in Ukraine

In 2022, Russian government held a press conference claiming that Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden helped finance a US military 'bioweapons' research program in Ukraine. This claim was confirmed by Emails retrieved from Hunter Biden's Laptop that was sent for repairs. 

Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners (RSTP) is a subsidiary of Rosemont Capital, founded by Hunter Biden and Christopher Heinz, which counted both Biden and Heinz as managing directors. Christopher Heinz is the stepson of former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry. RSTP financed Metabiota for viral R&D in Ukraine, and Wuhan biolabs.

Researchers from the Wuhan institute, Metabiota and EcoHealth Alliance published a study together in 2014 on infectious diseases from bats in China, which notes that tests were performed at the WIV

Metabiota is a Department of Defense contractor specializing in research on pandemic-causing diseases that could be used as bioweapons. Department of Defense awarded an $18.4 million contract to Metabiota between February 2014 and November 2016, including $307,091 earmarked for 'Ukraine research projects'.

Metabiota was also responsible for worsening of 2014 African Ebola pandemic. "Metabiota employees feuded with fellow responders, contributed to the misdiagnosis of cases, and consistently misread the trajectory of the outbreak" in Africa.

Ukraine Nazi problem

In 1941 the Nazi-occupied territory of the Soviet Ukraine was divided between two new German administrative units, the western District of Galicia of the Nazi General Government and the eastern Reichskommissariat Ukraine. Eastern Ukrainians chose to resist and fight Nazi occupation forces by joining the Soviet Red Army or the irregular partisan(Separatist) units. Nationalists in western Ukraine were among the most enthusiastic Nazi collaborators and hoped that their efforts would enable them to re-establish an independent Nazi state.

Nazi brigade 14th SS-Volunteer Division 'Galicia' was formed in 1943, renamed to 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Galician) in 1944, and formally integrated into Nazi military.  it was largely destroyed in the battle of Brody, reformed, and saw action in Slovakia, Yugoslavia, and Austria before being renamed the first division of the Ukrainian National Army and surrendered to the Western Allies by 10 May 1945.

Hitler had earlier considered the formation of an armed force made up of Slavic people, but decided this to be unacceptable as he regarded Slavs as sub-humans compared to the Germanic race. At the beginning of 1943, growing losses inclined Nazi leaders to alter their initial opinions.

Post-Soviet Ukraine has failed to investigate, prosecute or bring to trial a single Nazi war criminal, according to Efraim Zuroff, the top Nazi hunter with the Simon Wiesenthal Center. To this day, Ukraine is divided over weather to accept or reject of Nazi philosophy. The 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Galician) has now dispersed  formed multiple neo-Nazi groups

  • Social-National Assembly - founded in 2008, it is an assemblage of neo-Nazi organizations and groups,  led by Patriot of Ukraine. S.N.A members organized the attack on the Russian embassy in Kyiv on 14 June 2014. SNA is hostile to ethnic and social minorities and organizes physical attacks against them.
  • Patriot of Ukraine - they seized and burned the headquarters of the Party of Regions (the ruling party) on 18 February 2014, then joined Right Sector
  • Azov battalion - Azov Battalion is a neo-Nazi unit of the National Guard of Ukraine, created in 2014. Similar to ISIS, Azov Battalion's extremist politics and professional English social media pages have attracted foreign fighters, including people from Brazil, Italy, the United Kingdom, France, the United States, Greece, Sweden, Spain, Slovakia, Croatia, Czech Republic and Russia. OHCHR documented looting of civilian homes and unlawful detention and torture of civilians between September 2014 and February 2015
  • Aidar battalion - Created in May 2014, it was a neo-Nazi volunteer military detachment subordinate to the Ministry of Defence. In 2014, Amnesty International reported that the Aidar Battalion had committed war crimes during the War in Donbas. Aidar was formally disbanded in 2015.
  • S14 - a neo-Nazi group dedicated to violent attacks on, Romani, an ethnic minority with linguistic characteristics similar to India (Romani shares the basic lexicon with Hindi and Punjabi, phonetic features with Marwari, while its grammar is closest to Bengali)
  • Right Sector - paramilitary confederation of several neo-Nazi organizations at the maidan-coup in Kyiv, led by Tryzub
  • Dnipro-1 Battalion - Special Tasks Patrol Police Battalion, famous for blocking humanitarian aid sent by another Ukrainian oligarch Rinat Akhmetov from reaching the population in the separatist-controlled areas. "OHCHR recalls that parties to the conflict have the obligation to take all feasible measures to protect the population under their control from the effects of hostilities. Residents told OHCHR that they fear that the presence of Ukrainian military positioned near their homes endangers them and puts them at risk of attack. OHCHR has also documented a worrying case of punitive damage to property in Donetsk by members of the armed groups targeting the house of a member of the Government-affiliated 'Dnipro-1' battalion"
  • Donbas Battalion - soldiers of the Donbas Battalion took part in crimes and human rights abuses of the civil population of Ukraine, enjoying general impunity. At least five fighters of the battalion have been taken to court and accused of different criminal activities committed against civilian population: banditry, abduction, armed robbery, extortion, hooliganism and illegal possession of weapons. However, after political pressure was put on the judges by the former commander of the Donbas battalion, they were released.

Investigating Nazi Germany

[Note: some of the following information retrieved from Internet is considered opinionated, and hard to find secondary sources for corroboration]

3 questions:

1) Who financed the Nazis ?

Hitler's Nazi party was primarily financed by US & UK: Rothschild(from UK), Rockefeller(from USA), & Prescott Bush, the grandfather of US President George W. Bush.

I.G Farben was a chemical company in Nazi Germany, the primary sponsor of Nazi Germany, and ran a slave labour camp at Auchwitz. I.G Farben was in reality a hidden division of Standard oil, that was officially owned by John D. Rockefeller. And Rockefeller family was sponsored by Rothschild. 

Intricately linked were some US Federal Reserve bank board members: Edsel Ford, Charles Mitchell (President of Rockefeller's National City Bank of New York), Walt Teagle (President of Standard Oil), Paul Warburg (Federal Reserve chairman; financier of Nazi Germany's war effort and Director of American I.G. Farben; brother of Max Warbug of German Secret Service).

Grandfather of US president George W Bush, Prescott Bush funded Nazis through his Union bank of New York. Max Warburg and Prescott Bush were business associates, as controlling interests of the Hamburg-American shipping Line, that supplied Kraft Durch Freude of Nazi party. Warburg family connected to the Rothschild family by marriage of Carola Warburg to Walter Nathan Rothschild. 


2) What were the Nazis directed to do ?

Nazi goal was to prosecute and experiment on Jews & so called non-Aryans. 

UK conquered Palestine in 1918, prosecuted Palestinian civilians, and brought in Jews to this British colony nicknamed Mandatory Palestine, as announced in Balfour Declaration, possibly headed by Lionel Walter Rothschild. 

Rothchild, through the Zionist Federation of Germany even had an agreement known as "Haavara Agreement" with Nazi Germany to allow fleeing Zionist Jews to transfer a portion of their wealth to this Mandatory Palestine, later named as Israel. According to Zionist official Eliezer Livneh, "for the Zionist leadership the rescue of Jews was not an aim in itself, but a means" to establish a Jewish colony in Palestine.  


3) Were did the Nazis go ?

Most of the Nazi soldiers were killed in Russia, during their invasion of Soviet Union nicknamed Operation Barbarossa.  

 Normandy invasion was more of a clean up operation, to arrest scapegoats, and ship out willing Nazi officials under US operation paperclip.

Nazis fled central Europe under US operation paperclip, and joined other racist organizations, such as Ku Klux Klan, American Nazi Party (ANP) and Ukraine nationalist groups

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

History of Copying, Sharing and Distributing of Knowledge and Culture

Copyright was never about the protection of artists or authors, it was designed for publishers to gain and keep control of knowledge, ideas and entertainment. For well over 500 years, several industries have tried the same tricks and rhetoric to keep control of the flow of knowledge, ideas and entairtainment.

"All censorships exist to prevent anyone from challenging current conceptions and existing institutions. All progress is initiated by challenging current conceptions, and executed by supplanting existing institutions. Consequently, the first condition of progress is the removal of censorship."
― George Bernard Shaw

Catholic Church's prohibition on Copying Books

During the middle ages, when you wanted a book copied, you would go to a scribe at a monastery, and they would copy it for you, by hand. No copy would be perfect; every scribe would fix spelling and grammatical errors while making the copy, as well as introduce some new ones.

Also, since all scribes were employed (controlled) by the Catholic Church, there was quite some limitation to what books would be reproduced. Not only was the monetary cost of a single book astronomical (one copy of The Bible required 170 calfskins or 300 sheepskins), but there was also a limit to what teachings would be reproduced by a person of the clergy.

Nothing contradicting the Vatican was even remotely conceivable. In 1350, Black Death was sweeping through Europe with high casualty rates. By 1450, the monasteries were still not repopulated, and the major cost of having a book copied was the services of copying industry. In comparison, the astronomical costs of the raw materials were a minor expense in ordering a book.

When the printing press arrived in 1453, scribe-craft became a profession in danger of becoming obsolete. The Catholic Church tried to ban the printing press with increasingly harsh punishments, even including the death penalty for using a printing press to copy books like the Bible.
The Catholic Church, which had previously controlled all information (and particularly held a cornered market on the scarcity of information), went on a rampage. They could no longer control what information would be reproduced, could no longer control what people knew, and lobbied kings across Europe for a ban on this technology which wrestled control of the populace from them.

On January 13, 1535, in France, a law was enacted at the request of the Catholic Church, a law which forced the closure of all bookshops and stipulated death penalty by hanging for anybody using a printing press.

This law was utterly ineffective. Pirate print shops lined the country’s borders like a pearl necklace and pirate literature poured into France through contraband distribution channels built by ordinary people hungry for more things to read.

Many arguments were used for justification by the Catholic Church including, “How will the monks get paid?" Still, even the death penalty couldn’t stop the copying. And, of course, it wasn’t about the payment of monks, but about control over ideas, knowledge and culture.

The Catholic Church eventually failed in this endeavor, but not before much blood had been spilled in trying to prevent the accurate, cheap and quick distribution of ideas, knowledge and culture. This paved the way for Renaissance and the Protestant movement.

Advent of Copyright

After ascending to England's throne, Queen Mary I persecuted protestants relentlessly, publicly executing several hundred, earning her the nickname Bloody Mary.

Watching how France had failed miserably in banning the printing press, even under threat of hanging, she realized another solution was needed to stop distribution of heretic materials. She devised a monopoly where the London printing guild would get a complete monopoly on all printing in England, in exchange for her censors determining what was fit to print beforehand. It was a very lucrative monopoly for the guild, who would be working hard to maintain the monopoly and the favor of the Queen’s censors. This merger of corporate and governmental powers turned out to be effective in suppressing free speech and political-religious dissent.

On May 4, 1557, Queen Mary I awarded the printing monopoly, naming it "copyright". It was widely successful as a censorship instrument. The printing guild (Stationers) worked as a private censorship bureau, burning unlicensed books, impounding or destroying monopoly-infringing printing presses, and denying politically unsuitable material the light of day. It was a win-win for the repressive Queen and for the Stationers with a lucrative monopoly on their hands. This alliance between the printing industry and British government worked well to suppress dissent.

The copyright monopoly was instituted as a censorship mechanism by Mary I in 1557 to prevent people from discussing or disseminating Protestant material. After Mary’s death in 1558, her successor, Elizabeth I, was just as happy to keep the monopoly, but this time to prevent people from discussing or disseminating Catholic material. Neither the profitable Printing guild nor the censoring Crown had any desire to abolish it.

During the 1600s, Parliament gradually tried to wrestle control of the censorship from the Crown.In 1641, Parliament abolished the court where copyright cases had been tried, the infamous Star Chamber. In effect, this turned violation of the copyright monopoly into a non-convictable crime, much like jaywalking in Sweden today: while it was still technically a crime, and techically illegal, you could not be tried for it and there was no punishment.

As a result, creativity in Britain soared into the stratosphere. Unfortunately, this wasn’t what Parliament had had in mind at all.

In 1643, the copyright censorship monopoly was reinstituted with a vengeance. It included demands for pre-registrations of author, printer and publisher with the London Company of Stationers, a requirement for publication license before publishing anything, the right for the Stationers to impound, burn and destroy unlicensed equipment and books, and arrests and harsh punishments for anybody violating the copyright censorship.

In 1688, during something called the Glorious Revolution, the Parliament’s composition changed radically to mostly people who had previously been at the business end of censorship and weren’t all too keen for that to continue. Therefore, The British Parliament let the copyright monopoly expire in 1695, and the Stationers lost a very lucrative monopoly.

After the Stationers Monopoly ended in 1695, there was no copyright, none, for the whole of 15 years. Creativity soared again, and historians claim that many of the documents that eventually led to the founding of the United States of America were written in this time.

Unfortunately, the London Company of Stationers were not happy at all with the change of status quo, where they had lost their lucrative monopoly. They gathered their families on the stairs of Parliament and begged to get it back for those 15 years.

It is noteworthy that authors did not ask for the copyright monopoly: the printers and distributors did. There was never an argument along the lines that nothing would be written without copyright; the argument was that nothing would be printed without copyright. This is something else entirely.

Parliament, having just abolished censorship, was keen on not reinstituting a central point of control with a possible abuse potential. The Stationers’ responded by suggesting that writers should “own” their works. In doing so, they killed three birds with one stone.

  1. Parliament would be assured that there was no central point of control which could be used to censor.
  2. the publishers would retain a monopoly for all intents and purposes, as the writers would have nobody to sell their works to but the publishing industry.
  3. the monopoly would be legally classified as Anglo-Saxon Common Law rather than the weaker Case Law, and therefore given much stronger legal protection.

They publishing lobby got as they wanted, and the new copyright monopoly was re-enacted in 1709, taking effect on April 10, 1710. This was the copyright lobby’s first major victory. What we see at this point in history is copyright in its unspun form: a monopoly with it's heritage from censorship where artists and authors were not even considered, but where it was always for the publishers’s profit.

The Stationers continued to impound, destroy and burn others’ printing presses for a long time, despite not having the right any longer. This Abuse of power lasted until the pivotal Entick vs. Carrington case in 1765, when yet another of these raids for "unlicensed"(unwanted) authors had taken place. In the verdict of this court case in 1765, it was firmly established that no right may be denied to any citizen if not expressly forbidden by law, and that no authority may take itself any right not explicitly given by law.

Printing Press tries to prohibit Lending Books

Books were still quite expensive in UK, mostly because of the copyright monopoly. Book collections were only seen in rich men’s homes, and some started to benevolently lend books to the common people.

The publishers went mad about this, and lobbied Parliament to outlaw the reading of a book without first paying for their own copy. They tried to outlaw the public library before the library had even been invented. “Reading without paying first? That’s stealing from the authors! Taking the bread right out of their childrens’ mouths!”

But Parliament took a different stance, seeing the positive impact of reading on society. The problem perceived by Parliament was not the self-described eternal plight of the copyright monopolists, but the problem that rich men in society dictated who would read and who wouldn’t. It seemed beneficial to society to level the playing field: to create public libraries, accessible to poor and rich alike.

copyright monopolists now strong in their almost religious belief that they had a right to dictate how people could read, tried to ban the lending of books. You couldn’t allow people to read without paying for their own copy, they argued. When politicians considered public libraries, the monopolist publishers went absolutely ballistic: "You can’t let anybody read any book for free! Not a single book will be sold ever again! Nobody will be able to live off their writing! No author will write a single book ever again if you pass this law!"

Parliament in the 1800s was much wiser than today, and saw the copyright monopolists’ tantrum for what it was. Parliament took a strong stance that public access to knowledge and culture had a larger benefit to society than a monopolist being paid every time a book was opened, and so in 1849, the law instituting public libraries in the UK was passed. The first public library opened in 1850.

And as we know, either not a single book has been written ever since, OR the copyright monopolists’ rant about nothing being created without a strong monopoly was as false then as it is when repeated today.

Germany had no copyright monopoly during this time. Several historians argue that this led to the rapid proliferation of knowledge that enabled Germany to take the industrial lead over the United Kingdom — knowledge could be spread cheaply and efficiently. So in a way, Germany’s leapfrogging of the United Kingdom proved British Parliament right: the national interest of access to culture and knowledge does supersede the monopoly interest of the publishers.

In the late 1800s, the publishers’ ever-strengthening copyright monopoly had lopsided the creators’ chances of making any revenue off of their works. Basically, all the money went to publishers and distributors, and creators were left starving, due to the copyright monopoly.

By the late 1800s, the publishers’ ever-strengthening copyright monopoly had lopsided the creators’ chances of making any revenue off of their works. Basically, all the money went to publishers and distributors, and creators were left starving, due to the copyright monopoly. The Berne Convention was signed in 1886. It said that countries should respect the copyrights of other countries, and an agency — BIRPI — was set up as watchdog. This agency has mutated, grown and swelled and is today WIPO, which still oversees the Berne Convention, which has also swelled, mutated and been hijacked twice. At this point, there are four aspects of the copyright monopoly
  • One, the commercial monopoly to fixations of a work. This is the original monopoly granted to London’s printing guild in exchange for censorship.
  • Two, the commercial monopoly to performances of a work. If somebody performs a work publicly on a for-profit stage, the monopoly holder has a right to demand money.
  • Three, the droit moral to be acknowledged as creator. The right for an author or artist to be acknowledged as creator of his or her work, acting as protection against counterfeiting and against plagiarism.
  • Four, the droit moral to veto an improper performance of the work. If an artist feels that a performance slights the work or the name of the artist, they have the right to deny that performance the light of day.

Intelectual Property in the 20th Century

After World War 2, it was clear to politicians that the United States would no longer be able to maintain its economic dominance by producing anything industrially valuable or viable.The president of Pfizer, Edmund Pratt, had a furious op-ed piece in a New York Times on July 9, 1982 titled “Stealing from the Mind”. It fumed about how third world countries were stealing from them. (By this, he referred to making medicine from their own raw materials with their own factories using their own knowledge in their own time for their own people, who were frequently dying from horrible but curable third-world conditions). Many committees were formed and tasked with coming up with the answer to one crucial question: How can the US maintain its global dominance if (or when) it is not producing anything competitively valuable?

Advisory Committee on Trade Negotiations, headed by Edmund Pratt came up with the answer: the solution to "not producing anything of value" in international trade was to redefine “producing”, “anything”, and “value” in an international political context, and to do so by bullying.

It was so daring and provocative that nobody was really sure whether to try it out: the US would try linking its trade negotiations and foreign policy. Any country who didn’t sign lopsided “free trade” deals that heavily redefined value would be branded in a myriad of bad ways, the most notable being the “Special 301 watchlist”. This list is supposed to be a list of nations not respecting copyright enough. A majority of the world’s population is on it, among them Canada.

The entire US Intclectual Property Monopoly Industry tried to join World Intelectual Property Organization, for legitimacy and hostship for a new trade agreement. However, WIPO saw right through their scheme and more or less kicked them right out the door. WIPO was not created to give any country that kind of advantage over the rest of the world. They were outraged at the shameless attempt to hijack the copyright and patent monopolies.

So the US monopoly industry consortium joined the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and started it's underhanded deals. A major process was initiated whereby about half of the participating countries in GATT were tricked, coerced or bullied into agreeing with a new agreement under GATT, an agreement which would lock in the Berne Convention and strengthen the US industry considerably on top of that by redefining “producing”, “thing” and “value”. This agreement was called TRIPs. Upon ratification of the TRIPs agreement, the GATT body was renamed WTO, the World Trade Organization.

TRIPs has been under considerable fire for how it is constructed to enrich the rich, at the expense of the poor, and when they can’t pay with money, they pay with their health and sometimes their lives. It forbids third world countries from making medicine in their own factories from their own raw materials with their own knowledge for their own people. After several near-revolts, some concessions were made in TRIPs to “allow” for this.

After US won the Cold War, the United States and Russia started negotiating. former enemies who kept each other at nuclear gunpoint, sitting at the negotiating table 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, through sandstorm and blizzard. The United States could have demanded and gotten anything. To allow Russia admission into the WTO, the United States demanded that the Russia-legal music shop AllofMP3 should be closed. This shop sold copies of MP3 files and was classified as a radio station in Russia, paying appropriate license fees and was fully legal.

So basically, USA asked it's mortal enemy USSR at the negotiation table to close a record store. That’s how much importance there is to these Intelectual Property Monopolies.

Copyright, the new Religion

Powerful people will use their power to keep their power. Today, Copyright defenders are attacking anybody who even questions copyright, with an emotional and aggressive fervor: calling the reformists as pirates, thieves, freetards et cetera. In another time and place, heretics would have been the word of choice. They are deeply uncomfortable by things being questioned that cannot and must not be questioned, and are showing emotional reactions that are identical to that of the Catholic Church when the printing press arrived.

The Catholic Church had instituted excommunication (exile) as penalty for unauthorized reading. They had persuaded France to enact the death penalty for using a printer to produce books. They were really tenacious about preventing the spread of knowledge. In the end, that was also what undid their stranglehold on the populace: everybody learned how to read, and could question their word for themselves.

Just like you can’t understand the joy of reading, until you've experienced it; you can't understand the joy of sharing, until you've experienced it. Everybody should experience what the copyright industry is trying to kill.  Sharing is caring, and copyright is the opposite.

When the printing press and libraries arrived, the middlemen proclaimed the death of culture. History repeats itself. If we get rid of the middlemen, or limit their monopolies, artists and culture will flourish.

How shall the artists get paid?

If you are asking yourself this question, know that 90% of the money from a traditional sale goes to the publishing corporation, not the artist. Why should you pay 10x the ammount, the creator of the work gets ? Also, did you ever stop to consider the absolute lunacy of the current copyright laws, where works are copyrighted decades after the author has DIED? It is now infringing on our fundamental rights, and as human biengs, we're not prepared to give up those human rights for a multinational corporation to boost their profit.

In the 21st century, Computer is the copier, and Internet is the publisher. Today, Internet IS Speech, Assembly, Association and the Press. If a corporation can’t sustain a business without having these rights limited, then that corporation deserves to go out of business:

A business that does not adapt & innovate for the needs of it's generation, will go out of business in that generation.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Unity of the EcoSystem: I, Me, & Myself

It is said that everyone is selfish from birth, i.e self-serving. But what is the definition of the self? is it the flesh our soul resides in? is it our Family? Is it the neighbourhood we live in? Is it our nationality? it is the planet we reside in?

The Answer is no, self is part of the Collective Consciousness. We are part of an ecosystem, whether we realize it or not. An ecosystem where every entity shelters a piece of this consciousness. It is an ecosystem that sustains and provides for us, has been, and will be, unless we run it dry. This Ecological-System is known by many names, including "Mother Earth" and "Gaia". As part of this System, either we cooperate and conserve resources while moving forward; OR compete and deplete resources and stagnate ourselves.

yat te rūpaṃ kalyāṇatamaṃ tat te paśyāmi yo 'sāv so 'ham asmi
The light which is thy fairest form, I see it. I am what (the Sun) is.
"The kingdom of God is within you.

Now, the choice is yours, be what you want to be !

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


yatah sarvani bhutani pratibhanti sthitani ca
yatrai ‘vo ‘pashamam yanti tasmai satyatmane namah
Salutations to that reality in which all the elements and all animate and inanimate beings shine as if they have an independent existence, and in which they exist for a time and into which they all merge
jnata jnanam tatha jneyam drasta darsana drsyabhuh
karta hetuh kriya yasmat tasmai jnaptyatmane namah
Salutations to that consciousness which is the source of the apparently distinct threefold divisions of knower, knowledge and known, seer, sight and seen, doer, doing and deed.
sphuranti sikara yasmad anandasya ‘mbare vanau
sarvesham jivanam tasmai brahmanandatmane namah
Salutations to that bliss absolute (the ocean of bliss) which is the life of all beings whose happiness and unfoldment is derived from the shower of spray from that ocean of bliss.

ओम् तत् सत्
אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה‎