Friday, April 12, 2024

Oneness in Spirit, One in God


This article is an attempt to explain what is God, the force that created our Universe, and set the "Laws of Nature" that we call Science.

Scientific explanation: 

As per E=MC^2, all matter is energy, Vibrating at different speeds: plasma, gas, liquid & solid. Thus everything around us is Vibration, and even our body & every cell in it are part of this Vibration.

Vibrations of a molecule decide whether the molecule will emit light(photons), electricity(electrons), and what form it will take: solid, liquid, gas, or plasma. Any ripple(vibration) in a pool of water will always have a source, and the original Source (Creator) of these Vibrations is called God.

Theoretically, any matter that stops vibrating, should become 0° Kelvin (−273.15° C / −459.67°F), known as Bose–Einstein condensate, a practical impossiblity in the natural world.

Bible Reference: 

"In the beginning was the Word(Vibration/OM), and the Word was with God(Elohim/Angels/Deities), and the Word was God (Creator). The same(Vibration/OM) was in the beginning with God(Elohim). All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life(Holy Spirit/Paramatma); and the life was the light of men(Inner Spirit/Atma)." - John 1:1–3 Bible quotation, with Vedic interpretation in parenthesis. 

"And the spirits of the Elohim(Angels/Deities) were traversing with the presence of the Vibrations" -Genesis 1:2, re-Translated from Hebrew. 

Explanation of above scripture: 

In the beginning, there was nothing but a Word/Vibration. From this Vibration all matter manifested, and thus all matter is vibrating molecules. Thus, everything that exists in this universe, is part of the Word/Vibration/God. We are one, in God.

According to the Vedas, the word OM (Vibration of OM) manifested an intelligent entity called Brahman. Then, Brahman wielded the word OM to manifest the rest of this Universe, thus the "Word was with God" and the "Word was God". 

God is the Word/Vibration/Sound of OM(ॐ) or Alpha Omega Mu (AΩM in ancient Egypt/Greece)

God has many attributes, such as

1] All-Knowing(Akashic Record), 

2] Omni-Presence(our Souls are manifestations of God/"your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you"/"the kingdom of God is within you"), 

3] Infinite (This universe is like God's dream, & we Living Beings are like thoughts in that dream, that will ultimately merge into the dream), 

4] Immutable: God is formless, & has no gender or species, thus God does not change, 

5] Omni-potent: God is powerful enough to have created this Universe. 

NOTE: While traditional Christianity maintains that, 'the Father' is God the Holy Spirit, Trinity followers differentiate between 'the Father' and the 'Holy Spirit' as different. 

Christian Trinity in Vedic terms:

•Father(God the Creator of mankind): Brahma, Elohim

•Holy Spirit (God the Creator of the Universe):  ParamAtma/Brahman

•Son of God (Avatar of God): Enlightened being, Buddha, Iesus Christ, Krishna

God is formless; the idols we worship are teachers, messengers(Avatars), Angels, & the creator(s) of human species, and personal God(s). These Creator(s) & Teachers of mankind are refered to in scriptures, distinctly as another species, maybe even aliens, whom we call Deities. They have their own gender. Examples are Brahma(created Svayambhuva Manu), Shiva, Elohim/Eloah, Angels, 'Council of Gods', Annunaki, Enki, Nagas(eg. Rishi Patanjali), etc. 

In Sanskrit, "Sur" literally means tone or amplitude of a vibrating frequency, and refers to the creative potential of vibration, or creative vibration. "Asur" meaning the opposite of "Sur", refers to the destructive potential in vibration, or destructive vibration(eg. vibrations used by sonic weapons). Deities who use the creative potential of vibration, and personify Sur, we call Angels (Devas in Sanatan). Deities who use the destructive potential of vibration, and personify Asur, we call Demons/Devils/Fallen Angels (Rakshas / Daanavas in Sanatan).

Sufi philosophy in Islam: the Unity of Being 

"whichever way you turn, there is the face of God." -Quran 2:115

Explanation: There is only one Reality/Existence (God), and the Cosmos is God's self-manifestation. In terms of Essence/Form, everything you see in the Universe are reflections of God's attributes/qualities like in a mirror, including yourself. Thus you, the reflection of one attribute of God, is experiencing reflections of other attributes of God, everywhere.

God wants to know itself, through another part of itself.

We are Individuation of the Absolute reality, that is "when Reality has taken form through Individuation". 

- Mahmud Shabistari (The Secret Rose Garden)

"Do not attach yourself to any particular creed exclusively, so that you disbelieve all the rest; otherwise you will lose much good, nay, you will fail to recognize the real truth of the matter. Let your soul be capable of embracing all forms of belief. God, the omnipresent and omnipotent, is not limited by any one creed." - Ibin 'Arabi (Fusus al-hikam)

Explanation: Do not attach yourself to any Political / Racial / Religious / Gender propaganda so much that, everything else looks like fake news. Otherwise you will loose much of the goodwill in you, and even fail to recognize the real truth of the matter. God's manifestation is not limited by race, religion, or gender. God is everywhere, in everything.

"Do you not see that God has made the poll tax and peaceful co-existance our obligation regarding the enemies of our religion, saying 'And if they incline to peace, do thou decline to it; and (still) put thy trust in God ?' " Ibin 'Arabi (Fusus al-hikam)

To attack peacefull rivals, is to move away from faith in God.

"Know yourself and you shall know your lord."

Advaita Vedanta philosophy, Sanatan Dharma (Oneness in Hinduism):

Quoting my Attribution/Dedication of this blog:

"Salutations to that reality in which all the elements, and all the animate and inanimate beings shine as if they have an independent existence, and in which they exist for a time and into which they merge.

Salutations to that consciousness which is the source of the apparently distinct threefold divisions of knower, knowledge and known, seer, sight and seen, doer, doing and deed.

Salutations to that bliss absolute (the ocean of bliss) which is the life of all beings whose happiness and unfoldment is derived from the shower of spray from that ocean of bliss."

-Vasistha’s Yoga / Yoga Vasistha (as translated by Swami Venkatesananda), video: Yoga Vasistha prayer

In reality, all things in existence, moving or not, seem to exist independently, but do merge back into God, after having lived its time. I salute that reality/God.

Conciousness is the source of what seems to be a division between Subject, Object, & Action done by the subject on/to the object. You, your reading of this blog, and the screen you are reading it on, all appear to be distinctly separate. I salute that Conciousness.

The Absolute is the life of all living things, that derive their happiness from the blessing of the Absolute. I salute that Absolute.

God has many names, in the multitude of religions & languages, but is infact one. God is in every Living Bieng, every plant, fish, reptile, mammal, & bird, is also one & the same God. 

When you realize that God forms the basis of this universe, there is not much difference between worshipping a statue of wood/clay/metal, a fire like candle/bonfire/sun, or a body of water (lake/ocean), because everything is made of God. Thus, we are one in God.

ओम् तत् सत् 

Literal translation: OM, that (Ultimate) Truth

Definition: The Word/Sound/Vibration of OM is the Ultimate Truth/Ultimate Reality. 

Inference: The Vibration OM alone Exists.


Mortals come from the Earth, Earth is born from Heaven, Heaven Originates from the Dao, Dao is the source.

ॐ OM Swastiastu 卐

ShalOm (שָׁלוֹם) / SalAm (ٱلسَّلَامُ)
Be at Peace, be One in God

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